
Serve Others

For even the Son of Man came not to be served, but to serve...

- Mark 10:45

Serve at Embry Hills UMC

Acolyte Ministry Team

Since the year 250, acolytes have served the church. It is a high honor to work in the sanctuary of the Lord. In addition to lighting the candles and assisting in the service, acolytes are called to be a positive witness for Jesus Christ. The EHUMC Acolyte Ministry team consists of giving volunteers and leaders as young as 10 years old who devote their love, time, and talent as they pledge their service to this ministry. Acolytes and servers assist during the worship, prepare the sanctuary before service, create and clean the vestments, synchronize procession schedules, manage communications, and maintain the apparatus during the week. If you would like more information on how you can begin your journey as an acolyte, please contact Kim Blackwell or Angela Snyder.


Ushers in church aren’t just door holders and plate-passers. As churchgoers arrive, the ushers act as “first representative” for a worship service, greeting each person with a smile, shaking hands, and handing out bulletins. They are also available to answer visitors’ questions and provide extra help in seating those who need assistance. During the church service, ushers collect the offering as well as help with Communion. If you’d like to get more information on how you can get involved, contact Scott Sinner at Curt Halstead.

Church Hosts

We are a group who helps with funerals, weddings, and EHUMC receptions for church events. We support each other in upholding EH’s reputation for being a welcoming and loving church, and many hands make easy and fun work. No experience is needed; guidance will be provided. We help with set up, staging, food table prep, decorations, flowers, and take down/clean up. If you are interested in join this ministry please call or text Denise Frix at 404-312-4410 or email Laura Briscoe.


Embry Hills UMC voted to become a Reconciling Congregation on April 24, 2016. Since then we have continued to work towards the ethos of Reconciling Ministries Network. We meet periodically throughout the year to do service projects, as well as hold RMN services and events at our church. All are invited to join this amazing ministry.
Learn more about RMN here ➜.

Green Team 

The Green Team at Embry Hills UMC seeks to be good stewards of our earth within the ministries of our church. The Green Team attends classes and seminars to share ideas with other churches who also apply environmental lessons to their ministries. We also teach classes and have events to promote the care of God’s gift of creation. There are so many ways to get involved both at the church and at home with environmental work, and we are constantly looking for ways we can better care for God’s planet in our practices of faith. For more information, contact Laura Briscoe.

Serve the Community

The Embry Hills UMC congregation supports a variety of non-profits
through volunteering, budgetary giving, above-and-beyond donations,
and special events. Here are a few that take place annually:

Spirit of Giving is a church-wide effort to support some of the organizations in our community that are helping our neighbors. Each month we collect different items based on our partner organizations’ needs. This is a tangible way to love and show love to our neighbors. Sunday mornings are the perfect time to drop off your donations as you enter for worship – just look for marked baskets on shelves in the Narthex (lobby area of Sanctuary) each week. Learn more about the amazing organizations supported by this ministry: Wellroot Family Services, Lost-n-Found Youth, Wesley Woods Food Pantry, and Snax Sax. Click the button below to find the shopping list.

This home-grown ministry was established in 2008. The Snax Sax team partners with local elementary schools whose staff identify at-risk children who may not have sufficient food outside of school hours. Each week during the school year, volunteers pack decorated brown bags with nutritious food that are delivered to the partner schools for identified children to take home over the weekend. Currently, EHUMC partners with six local elementary schools (Coralwood, Evansdale, Henderson Mill, Livsey, Midvale, and Pleasantdale) to deliver over 150 bags each week. If you are interested in learning more about this ministry or getting involved, please email Sign up to be a Bag Packer here. If you would like to volunteer as a Wednesday Supervisor do so here

We are proud to be a partner congregation of Networks Cooperative Ministry by acting as a donation drop off location, volunteering, board participation, and more for an organization that provides “food and financial assistance to residents of Northlake, Embry Hills, and Tucker” and seeks to “partner with them to find long term solutions to poverty.” 

Embry Hills has hosted blood drives on our campus 6 times a year since 2012.
To find the next one, visit The Red Cross  and use sponsor code 'embryhills'.

A long-time Advent season tradition at Embry Hills UMC, this service project offers a simple way to support local non-profits that serve people in our local community.

Being a connectional denomination means that United Methodist
congregations can serve and give more together than individually. For more information on some of our favorite good works, we suggest
these ministries: